Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.12 Because we're
discussing only tonal
corrections in this chapter,
tonal corrections would
be made using the Luma
Curve, which is the bottom
right control of the four
Chapter 4 , as the Advanced tab is more for making color corrections than
tonal corrections.
Much of the use of these specific tools was covered in the previous
chapter when we corrected the overexposed interview footage of Brian.
The third way to control tonal corrections is to use the Curves controls
( Figure 2.12 ), which are located in the middle of the Primary In room.
Although the previous two methods of controlling tone in the Primary
In room of Color allow control over three tonal ranges, the Luma Curve
allows you to alter the black and white points by moving the bottom and
top corner of the curve. But it also allows multiple custom selected points
in between those points that can be adjusted in any direction.
For more on the use of curves, see the Curves control section later in
this chapter.
The Avid Symphony and Color Finesse HSL Control Tab
There are actually a number of subtabs in this area. You can affect the
master HSL levels, which include controls for the master highlights, mid-
tones and shadows, or you can gain more discrete control by adjusting the
same controls inside the specific tonal ranges. This means you can control
the highlights, midtones, and shadows of the highlights; the highlights,
midtones, and shadows of the midtones; and the highlights, midtones,
and shadows of the shadows. How are there highlights of shadows? There
aren't, really. But instead of simply giving you three tonal ranges, the
extra tabs let you restrict your corrections to nine discrete tonal ranges:
the high highs, mid highs, low highs, high mids, mid mids, low mids,
high shadows, mid shadows, and low shadows. IRIDAS Speedgrade (now
owned by Adobe) has these same types of tonal range controls.
D e f i n i t i o n
HSL: Hue, saturation, and
luminance. Sometimes
referred to as HSB, or hue,
saturation, and brightness.
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