Graphics Reference
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Fig. 12.23
Right and left arrows on the keyboard are the shortcuts for Step One
Frame Forward and Step One Frame Reverse.
8. Turn on the Show Track checkbox in the tracking controls and
step through the track using the single-frame advance button
under the viewer, two to the left of the pause button in the mid-
dle of the screen. There are a number of ways to fix the track
from where it gets lost. Because there are only a few frames left in
the track, we'll fix them one keyframe at a time. To do this, under
Adjust, the Global choice is the default, but we want the Key
Frame option, so select that. Now you can simply step through
the shot one frame at a time, manually adjusting the position of
the window to keep it centered on our hero.
9. Let's punch up the grass. To do this kind of secondary, the first job
is to qualify—or select—the grass. In the node graph, select the
first node and press Shift-S to add a serial node that will go before
the other two secondary corrections. We don't want either of the
other secondaries to affect the grass qualification, so we want it to
be first. We could even have it before the primary if we wanted to.
10. With this new node selected (outlined in blue in the node graph),
click on the Qualifier tab in the same area of the screen as the
Curves, Windows, and Blur. With the “deck controls” under the
viewer, shuttle forward to about two-thirds of the way through
the show, where you can best see the grassy area. Then use the
color picker (eyedropper tool in the Qualifier tab) and drag the
Fig. 12.24
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