Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 12.3
As I have professed several times throughout the topic, exter-
nal scopes are critical to good color correction work, especially
for colorists without a lot of experience under their belts. Make a
note of the detail difference between the Tektronix scopes ( Figure
12.4 ) and the Resolve internal scopes ( Figures 12.5 and 12.6 ) .
The Tektronix scope is showing four different views. The top
left is a straight RGB Parade waveform. Directly underneath that
is another RGB Parade waveform image zoomed in and reposi-
tioned to show great detail in the shadows. The top right shows
a composite waveform, for basic levels, and the bottom right is a
standard vectorscope. Note the difference in the quality of infor-
mation between the Tektronix scope and the internal scopes.
As you can see from the shadows at 0 and highlights at 100
percent—or 1023 on the DaVinci RGB Parade—there is a good
spread between highlights and shadows, but we should play
with the gammas/midtones to determine the feel of the shot and
how much detail we're able to see in the shadows. Use the center
thumbwheel in the 3-Way Color tab ( Figure 12.7 ). Taking the
gammas below 0 (look at the numbers between the colored rings
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