Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 12.2
3. With the “Ghost_SWAT” shot in the viewer window, right-click
on the viewer and select Waveform options, putting checkmarks
in the waveform options you want to see ( Figure 12.3 ). I've cho-
sen RGB Parade and Vectorscope. You can choose as many as you
like, but choose at least those two.
4. Notice in the RGB Parade that the strongest channel is the green
channel ( Figure 12.4 and 12.5 ) . This should confirm what your
eyes are telling you: that there's a distinct green cast to the image.
This cast could come from the small patch of green grass to the right
side of the picture, but the grass is only on the right side, and the
strength of the green channel in the RGB Parade goes all the way
across the image. We can also see by looking at the very bottom of
the RGB Parade that the blacks are probably pretty well balanced
because none of the channels is higher than another. This could be
because they're all crushed, so the best practice is to use the shadow
controls—like the thumbwheel under the Shadow color wheel in
the 3-Way Color tab—to lift the blacks to see if they all stay the
same relative to each other as they are lifted. They do, so that tells
us that our blacks are balanced. Return the blacks to 0 or press
Command-Z to reset. Or, from the Session pulldown menu, choose
any of the Base Memory options to get back to your starting point.
There are three base memory keyboard shortcuts: Shift-Home is
the standard Base Memory (clears the grade from the selected node);
Option-Home is for Base Memory All (clears the grade from all nodes,
but leaves the nodes); and Command-Home is for Base Memory Reset
(total reset, deleting all nodes and grades).
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