Graphics Reference
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The shape is vaguely triangular, but is similar to a short, wide oval.
I ask why an oval wouldn't be acceptable, as it's less effort. Jannotta
responds, “I always prefer to draw them; even in DaVinci, I don't use a
fixed circle ever anymore. What I like to do is draw the shape and then
move it around so I can see how the light is working. I don't care what
the shape is, but if it's an oval, then it's fixed and I can't control it. I could
do an oval, but what if I want to give his tie a little more light? If I make
a user shape, then I can pull that section down, because I'll have it set up.
Fig. 7.3 Jannotta's
primary correction.
Fig. 7.4 Primary room data for Jannotta's correction.
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