Graphics Reference
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Fig. 6.16 Bedroom scene
from “Kiss Me In the
Dark.” Image courtesy of
Seduced and Exploited
Fig. 6.17 Scopes showing
source image from Tektro-
nix WVR 7100. Upper left is
YRGB Parade. Lower left is
vectorscope zoomed in 5x.
Upper right is composite
waveform. Lower right is
a vectorscope at standard
than I'd like. I like playing off these little blue accents, these highlights,”
he says, pointing to her négligée. “So what I'd like to do is overall go a
little cooler.” Matusek simultaneously pushes warmth into the shadows
and then adds blue into the midtones. “And I got some green out of the
highlights, just because I didn't like that. I noticed that there is some
green in the blanket or maybe there's some green fill and then I pulled
green from those highlights, but the whole image starts to look magenta,
because I'm losing green,” Matusek explains, backing off of his green
highlight correction.
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