Database Reference
In-Depth Information
This will help in enhancing the performance by loading the data at a faster pace in the tar-
Increasing the network packet size
Every table has a capacity, referred to as the network packet size, with which it can accept
the data. If you increase the packet size, the table can accept a greater volume of data.
These properties can be enhanced by the database administrator. Consult your database
admin team.
Using the bulk load
By configuring the session properties to use the bulk load, your performance can be signi-
ficantly enhanced. When you use bulk loading, the database logs are not created, and in
turn, it enhances the performance.
However, if you disable the database log, the recovery cannot be done as there is no log of
the events in the database.
As you can see, performance can be achieved by compromising on some other factors.
You need to decide and create a fine balance between all the factors.
These were the various ways in which you can find and eliminate the target bottleneck. In
the next section, we will talk about the source bottleneck.
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