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Configuring the Normalizer transformation - ports
Normalizer transformation ports are different from other transformations ports. You cannot
edit the ports of Normalizer transformations. To define the ports, you need to configure the
Normalizer tab of a Normalizer transformation. To add the multiple occurring ports to the
Normalizer transformation, double-click on the Normalizer transformation and click on
Normalizer . Add the columns to the Normalizer tab. You need to add the single and mul-
tiple occurring ports in the Normalizer tab. When you have multiple occurring columns,
you need to define them under the Occurs option in the Normalizer transformation, as
shown in the following screenshot:
When you add the columns in the Normalizer tab, the columns get reflected in the Ports
tab based on the options definitions. In our case, we define SALARY_MONTH under occurs
4 times in the Normalizer transformation. This creates the port four times in the ports tab.
The Normalizer transformation creates a new port called generated column ID ( GCID )
for every multi-occurring ports you define in the Normalizer tab. In our case, it is created
for SALARY_MONTHLY . This port generates the index value to be assigned to new multi-
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