Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Lookup data
cache size
This is the size of the data cache you wish to allocate to Integration Service in order to store the data. The default is Auto .
Lookup data
index size
This is the size of the index cache you wish to allocate to Integration Service in order to store the index details such as the
lookup condition. The default is Auto .
Dynamic look-
up cache
Select this option if you wish to make the lookup cache dynamic.
Output old
value on up-
If you disable this option, Integration Service sends the old value from the output ports, so if the cache is to be updated with a
new value, it first sends an old value to the output ports that are present in the cache. You can use this option if you enable dy-
namic caching.
Cache file
name prefix
This indicates the name of the cache file to be created when you enable persistent caching.
Recache from
lookup source
When you check this option, Integration Service rebuilds the cache from the lookup table when the lookup is called.
Insert else up-
If you check this option, Integration Service inserts a new row into the cache and updates existing rows if the row is marked
INSERT . This option is used when you enable dynamic caching.
Update else in-
If you check this option, Integration Service updates the existing row and inserts a new row if it is marked UPDATE . This op-
tion is used when you enable dynamic caching.
This property indicates the format of the date and time. The default is MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS .
Thousand sep-
You can choose this separator to separate values. The default is no separator.
Decimal separ-
You can choose this separator to separate the decimal values. The default is no period.
string compar-
This property indicates the type of comparison to be made when comparing strings.
This specifies how the Integration Service orders the null values while processing data. The default is to sort the null value as
Null ordering
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