Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Expression ( EXP_EffectiveDate_InsertNew ): This transformation is
created by the wizard only if you selected to load the PM_EFFECT_DATE option
in the wizard. It loads the generated value in the PM_PRIMARYKEY column into
the target, which is EMPLOYEE_SCD3 . It loads SYSTEMDATE into the
PM_EFFECT_DATE column in the target, marking the start of the record.
Expression ( EXP_EffectiveDate_InsertChanged ): This transformation
is created by the wizard only if you selected to load the PM_EFFECT_DATE op-
tion in wizard. It loads the generated value in the PM_PRIMARYKEY column in
the EMPLOYEE_SCD32 target instance. It loads SYSTEMDATE into the
PM_EFFECT_DATE column in the target in order to indicate that the record has
been updated.
Target ( EMPLOYEE_SCD3 ): This is the Target table instance that accepts new
records into the target table instance.
Target ( EMPLOYEE_SCD31 ): This is the Target table instance that accepts up-
dates to the existing row in the target table instance.
With this, we saw in detail how to implement the different types of SCDs. Note that we
have learned how to implement SCD using wizard. You can also manually create the map-
ping in order to get more practice and better hands-on experience.
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