Database Reference
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Filter ( FIL_InsertNewRecord ): This filters the records that come from an
upstream expression transformation and are marked as ChangedFlag ; it only
allows records with NewFlag to get passed to the UPD_ForceInserts up-
date strategy.
Filter ( FIL_UpdateChangedRecord ): This filters the records that come
from an upstream expression transformation and are marked as NewFlag ; it only
allows records with ChangedFlag to get passed to the
UPD_ChangedUpdate update strategy.
Update strategy ( UPD_ForceInserts ): This uses the DD_INSERT condition
to insert data into the target, which is EMPLOYEE_SCD1 .
Update strategy ( UPD_ChangedUpdate ): This uses the DD_UPDATE condi-
tion to overwrite the existing LOCATION field into the EMPLOYEE_SCD11 tar-
get instance.
Sequence generator ( SEQ_GenerateKeys ): This generates a sequence of val-
ues for each row marked as NewFlag , which is then incrementally loaded into
the target by 1. It populates the value into PM_PRIMARYKEY in the
EMPLOYEE_SCD1 target instance.
Target ( EMPLOYEE_SCD1 ): This is the target table instance that accepts the
NewFlag records into the target table.
Target ( EMPLOYEE_SCD11 ): This is the target table instance that accepts the
ChangedFlag records into the target table.
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