Agriculture Reference
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My peppers are developing light-colored patches
This is likely caused by sunscald, where the fruit simply gets too much intense sun-
light. If left unchecked the patches become soft and dry and can lead to infection. To pre-
vent this, ensure there is sufficient shade and protection. This can be achieved by using
cloth covers or cloches.
My seedlings are all cut off close to the soil
When you see your seedlings on the ground having been cut or chewed close to
ground level, this is a telltale sign of cutworm infection. These are small worms which live
in the soil by day, coming over ground to feed at night. They can eat through a young seed-
ling causing it to die. Protecting your seedlings against cutworms is very easy. When plant-
ing, place a toilet roll holder or some rolled up paper around the stem of the seedling and
bury such that the paper covers soil level. The cutworm will then be unable to eat through
My leaves aren't yellowing or looking sick, but are rolling down
This is often caused by environmental conditions, such as temperature, and is not a
sign of sickness or infection. No extra treatment is needed for the plant, other than regular
watering. The leaves will soon regain their normal appearance.
The leaves are curling and deformed, becoming discolored
This may be caused by aphids - small insects, also known as plant lice or greenflies.
These are very destructive to plants. They tend to cluster on the underside of leaves, leaving
behind a sticky excrement called honeydew. Aphids can be treated with a range of com-
mercially available products.
There is white, bubbly foam on the stems of my plant
This foam is produced by spittle bugs. They do not cause any real harm to the pep-
per plant, however can be removed by hand.
The lower leaves of my plant are yellowing and dying
This may be the early stages of Verticillium wilt infection. This disease caused by a
soil borne fungus. There is no known treatment. Infected plants should be dug up and des-
troyed to prevent further infections. To prevent the risk of infection, practice crop rotation
and never plant peppers in the same patch where tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants etc. have
grown in the previous 4 years. Resistant varieties are commonly available.
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