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2012 ). Bears shifted their activity patterns according to feeding times in spite of
a natural photoperiod, exhibiting a behavioral flexibility that could be neces-
sary to take advantage of unpredictable periods of food availability in order to
gain energy reserves for hibernation ( Ware et al., 2012 ). Additionally, similar
to the previously mentioned findings in ground squirrel, leptin levels increased
in brown bears prior to hibernation onset ( Hissa, Hohtola, Tuomala-
Saramaki, Laine, & Kallio, 1998 ).
4.2. Fuel switch
Generally, hibernating mammals do not use food consumption as a source of
energy, although there are some instances of food caching ( Gillis, Morrison,
Zazula, & Hik, 2005 ). Some ground squirrel species will not eat any food
during hibernation, even if it is offered artificially in the lab ( Torke &
Twente, 1977 ). Instead, hibernators rely on a metabolic switch from carbo-
hydrates to lipids by catabolizing their accumulated fat stores for energy.
The fuel switch is particularly important in the heart. In hibernation, the
heart beats at a much slower rate during torpor bouts: about 5 beats per
minute in the thirteen-lined ground squirrel ( Ictidomys tridecemlineatus )
( Hampton, Nelson, & Andrews, 2010 ). Northern blot analysis showed that
two key genes involved in regulating metabolism were upregulated in the
heart during hibernation, pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase ( PTL ), which frees
fatty acids from triglycerides at low temperatures, and pyruvate dehydroge-
nase kinase isozyme 4 ( PDK4 ), which prevents the conversion of pyruvate
to acetyl CoA, thus blocking glucose oxidation ( Andrews, Squire,
Bowen, & Rollins, 1998 ). Protein analysis found that PDK4 and PTL pro-
tein were also upregulated in the heart during hibernation ( Buck, Squire, &
Andrews, 2002; Squire, Lowe, Bauer, & Andrews, 2003 ), along with suc-
cinyl CoA-transferase, the rate limiting enzyme in the catabolism of ketone
bodies ( Russeth, Higgins, & Andrews, 2006 ). This fuel switch is evident in
other tissues as well, including skeletal muscle, which is inactive during tor-
por but active during IBAs, and white adipose tissue, the primary fuel source
for the body ( Hampton et al., 2011 ).
Further evidence of the fuel switch during hibernation comes from the
blood. Analysis of hibernator serum indicated that levels of a fat-derived
ketone, D - b -hydroxybutyrate (BHB), are elevated during torpor and is
the preferential fuel source of the heart and brain during torpor and arousal,
even in the presence of glucose ( Andrews, Russeth, Drewes, & Henry,
2009 ). BHB is also elevated during hibernation in the liver ( Serkova,
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