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constitutes a cyclical molecular clock that coordinates many aspects of devel-
opment and takes about 8-10 h in C . elegans . Strikingly, several cellular pro-
grams such as seam cell division and intestinal endoreplication are closely
coordinated with cuticle synthesis and molting, and are iterated with each
larval stage ( Hedgecock & White, 1985; Sulston & Horvitz, 1977 ). Even
migratory transitions in gonadal morphogenesis may be closely tied to this
clock ( Antebi et al., 1998 ).
The close coordination of cellular events across tissues during the molt
cycle is suggestive of hormonal regulation. In other molting organisms such
as Drosophila , molting is driven by ecdysteroids working through the ecdysone
receptor and its obligate partner ultraspiracle/retinoid-X-receptor (RXR)
( Tennessen &Thummel, 2011 ). The ecdysone receptor activates downstream
transcriptional cascades including the nuclear receptors HR3, FTZ-F1, and
others. C . elegans lacks ecdysteroids and the ecdysteroid receptor. Although
steroid receptor daf - 12 mRNA may be expressed in a cyclical fashion
( Merris, Wang, Soteropoulos, & Lenard, 2007 ), neither the receptor nor its
ligands have an overt affect on the molt cycle except for the dauer molt. How-
ever, two other nuclear receptors, NHR-23 and NHR-25, homologs of
HR3 and FTZ-F1, respectively, oscillate with the molt cycle and are respon-
sible for molting, since their mutation results in ecdysis defects ( Asahina et al.,
2000; Gissendanner, Crossgrove, Kraus, Maina, & Sluder, 2004;
Gissendanner & Sluder, 2000; Kostrouchova, Krause, Kostrouch, & Rall,
2001 ). Their ligands remain unknown, but could be sterol derivatives as cho-
lesterol deprivation results in molting defects ( Yochem, Tuck, Greenwald, &
Han, 1999 ), and the mammalian homolog of NHR-23, ROR a ,bindstoste-
rols ( Wang et al., 2010 ). Alternately, they could be phospho, or sphingolipids,
since NHR-25 and homologs appear to bind these molecules ( Krylova et al.,
2005; Lee et al., 2011; Mullaney et al., 2010; Urs et al., 2007 ). Another pos-
sibility is that NHR-23 and NHR-25 are not ligand gated at all, but instead
bind lipids as competency factors; in this view oscillations of other compo-
nents such as LIN-42 (below) could regulate their activity.
Remarkably the period homolog LIN-42 is also a central component of
the molt cycle. Lin - 42 mRNA and protein strikingly oscillate in concert
with the molt cycle with peak protein levels around the molts ( Jeon
et al., 1999; Monsalve, Van Buskirk, & Frand, 2011 ). Null mutants exhibit
molting defects at all four molts, and have erratic arrhythmic molts and
extended molting quiescence, a sleep-like state during which the old cuticle
is shed ( Monsalve et al., 2011 ). The lin-42 genomic locus is complex, as it
encodes four different isoforms of diverse structure and function. The
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