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development. Critical tests of this model await measuring DA production in
each tissue during the course of development. Conceivably analogous ampli-
fication mechanisms are deployed to drive maturational processes in insects
and mammals.
3.1. Heterochronic genes
In the course of animal development, cells throughout the body acquire
both temporal and positional identities. As C . elegans develops from embryo
through four larval stages L1-L4 and on to adult, each stage elaborates a
characteristic array of cellular programs of division, differentiation, morpho-
genesis/migration, and death. In particular, certain tissues are explicitly tem-
porally patterned, including division patterns of epidermal seam cells and
intestinal cells, or morphogenesis of the vulva and gonad during larval devel-
opment. Temporal selector genes called the heterochronic loci dictate the
stage-specific temporal patterning of cell fate. Their mutation can lead to
either precocious or retarded execution of cellular temporal patterns, which
in some tissues manifests as a deletion or repetition of stage-specific pro-
grams. They often work in a stage- and tissue-specific manner and cooperate
in a regulatory hierarchy, called the heterochronic circuit, which controls
the proper succession of developmental events.
Many of the heterochronic loci encode conserved regulators including the
very first discovered microRNAs, lin - 4 and let - 7 , as well as genes involved in
their activity, biogenesis, and maturation ( Lee, Feinbaum, & Ambros, 1993;
Reinhart et al., 2000 ). For example, the conserved lin - 28 gene encodes an
RNA-binding protein that inhibits the maturation of let - 7 microRNA
( Moss, Lee, & Ambros, 1997; Rybak et al., 2008; Viswanathan, Daley, &
Gregory, 2008 ). Extraordinarily, the mammalian homologs of LIN-28 regu-
late the timing of puberty ( He et al., 2009; Ong et al., 2009; Sulem et al., 2009;
Zhu et al., 2010 ). Moreover, mammalian LIN28 works as a pluripotency fac-
tor essentially collaborating with other such factors to reprogram terminally
differentiated cells to a primordial temporal fate ( Yu et al., 2007 ). These
and other studies highlight the original and groundbreaking work first uncov-
ered by this tiny corner of C . elegans biology.
3.2. The microRNA paradigm
An emergent paradigm for temporal control of development is that micro-
RNAs work in succession as switches that catalyze transitions from earlier
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