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miRNAs play a central role. let-7 mutants on their own, as well as animals
multiply mutant for let-7 family miRNAs, inappropriately enter lethargus as
adults and partly shed the cuticle, indicating these miRNAs engage the
mechanism to terminate molting upon reproductive maturity ( Abbott
et al., 2005; Hayes, Frand, & Ruvkun, 2006; Reinhart et al., 2000 ).
Let-7 family miRNAs appear to terminate the molting cycles through
repression of nhr-23 and nhr-25 ( Hayes et al., 2006 ); however, only the
nhr-25 3 0 UTR contains a predicted let-7 family binding site, and whether it
is a direct target has not been established. Ties among molting, nuclear
receptors, miRNAs, and other timing pathway components, are further
strengthened by complex genetic interactions between nhr-25 and various
heterochronic genes, and the identification of apl-1 (amyloid precursor
protein-like-1) as a potential nhr-25 target ( Niwa & Hada, 2010; Niwa,
Zhou, Li, & Slack, 2008 ). apl-1 functions include molting, it acts down-
stream of let-7 , and it interacts genetically with other heterochronic pathway
members ( Hornsten et al., 2007; Niwa et al., 2008 ). Many details of these
gene interactions remain unresolved.
A striking observation is that the extra molt in let-7 mir-84 double mutants
occurs synchronously in the adult population ( Hayes et al., 2006 ), indicating a
timing mechanism at work. This finding emphasizes key questions—what
paces the molts, and how are the stage-specific programs integrated with
the molting timer? Exciting recent work again implicates the heterochronic
gene network, this time through lin-42 ( Monsalve, Van Buskirk, & Frand,
2011 ), a gene first identified by mutations that cause a precocious
heterochronic phenotype ( Jeon, Gardner, Miller, Deshler, &Rougvie, 1999 ).
LIN-42 provides a remarkable link to biological timing mechanisms in
flies and mammals: it is the nematode homolog of the Period family of cir-
cadian rhythm proteins. lin-42 and Per genes exhibit an intriguing parallel in
regulation: their mRNA and protein levels oscillate over biologically perti-
nent time scales. LIN-42 levels fluctuate with the molting cycle ( 8-10 h at
25 C) while PER levels are synchronized with the 24-h clock ( Hardin,
Hall, & Rosbash, 1990; Jeon et al., 1999; Shearman, Zylka, Weaver,
Kolakowski, & Reppert, 1997; Sun et al., 1997; Tei et al., 1997;
Tennessen, Gardner, Volk, & Rougvie, 2006 ). As a result of its phenotypes
and expression patterns,
lin-42 function has been most
studied in a
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