Biology Reference
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Figure 4.3 Environmental stimuli in the wild or in laboratory conditions entrain the Dro-
sophila circadian clock. miRNAs function in both the core circadian clock and also in
clock output pathway to regulate organismal behavior, including sleep/wake cycle,
feeding, and foraging time and immune response to pathogenic infections. The miRNAs
can be further divided into two sub-categories: (1) miRNAs with fluctuating expression
levels and (2) miRNAs with constant daily levels. Recent studies provide evidence for
animal behavior providing feedback to the expression of the miRNAs.
5.4. miR-279
miR-279 coordinates multiple functions in the output pathway of the core
clock, synchronizing animal behavior during the daily temporal transitions
( Luo & Sehgal, 2012 ). Although miR-279 does not exhibit a circadian
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