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phenotypes are suppressed by an Eip74ef hypomorphic allele. Although
miR-34 expression has been linked to aging and disease in higher eukaryotes,
the miR-34 - Eip74ef relationship does not appear to be conserved ( Aw &
Cohen, 2012 ). Thus, other mechanisms and targets may be involved in
mediating the age related miR-34 function in these organisms. Determina-
tion of whether miR-34 regulation of Eip74ef plays an important role during
developmental transitions awaits further investigation.
The physiology and behavior of many organisms are under the con-
trol of circadian rhythm ( Hall, 2003 ). In D. melanogaster, the internal
clock receives external input and can be entrained by environmental
stimuli ( Dubruille & Emery, 2008 ). The intrinsic clock synchronizes a
multitude of events, including adult eclosion time, rest/activity cycle, court-
ship, feeding, metabolism, and immune response ( Hall, 2003 ). Studies
using D. melanogaster have provided deep molecular insights on how the
light/dark cycle feeds into the internal clock, how the intrinsic clock runs
on an approximately 24h rhythm, and also how the circadian clock regulates
the many physiological and behavioral outputs.
5.1. Molecular overview of circadian rhythm pathway
Transcriptional feedback loops are characteristic features of the circadian
clock, which include the central loop (CL) and interlocking loop (IL). In
the CL, expression of the heterodimeric activator complex composed of
clock (Clk) and cycle (Cyc) is transcriptionally repressed by its targets, period
( per ) and timeless ( tim )( Allada, White, So, Hall, & Rosbash, 1998; Hardin,
Hall, & Rosbash, 1990; Rutila et al., 1998; Sehgal, Price, Man, &
Young, 1994 ). The IL stabilizes the CL, and therefore the circadian clock.
The components of the IL include the Par domain protein 1 (Pdp1), which
activates clk transcription, Vrille (Vri), which represses clk transcription, and
Clockwork Orange (Cwo), which represses Clk-mediated transcription
( Hardin, 2005; Kadener, Stoleru, McDonald, Nawathean, & Rosbash,
2007 ). In addition to transcriptional control, post-translational modifications
also regulate clock progression ( Chiu, Ko, & Edery, 2011; Yu, Zheng,
Houl, Dauwalder, &Hardin, 2006 ). While the core transcriptional feedback
loops lead to rhythmic mRNA abundance, post-translational modification
such as ubiquitylation and phosphorylation controls circadian protein abun-
dance and sub-cellular location.
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