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muscles and their respective innervations ( Caygill & Johnston, 2008; Sokol
et al., 2008 ). Genetic depletion of abrupt suppresses the let-7 mutant pheno-
type, indicating that ectopic Abrupt contributes to the let-7 phenotype
( Caygill & Johnston, 2008 ). The finding that let-7-C adults display both per-
sistent juvenile and immature adult characteristics indicates that the essential
function of let-7-C as a regulator of developmental timing appears to be
evolutionarily conserved from worms to flies, and provides a cellular basis
for the behavioral defects displayed by let-7-C adults.
let-7-C miRNAs have also been found to regulate dopaminergic neuron
and GSC behavior in adults, although it remains unclear whether hormonal
control of let-7-C is important for these post-developmental functions. let-7
mutants adults, for example, have a reduced number of dopaminergic neu-
rons ( Gehrke, Imai, Sokol, & Lu, 2010 ). This phenotype may indicate a role
for let-7 in maintaining this post-mitotic neuron subtype, since injection of
let-7 antisense RNA into the adult leads to a similar phenotype. let-7 appears
to mediate this role by repressing translation of the dp transcription factor ( dp ),
since Dp expression is elevated in let-7 mutants and expression of a let-7
insensitive transgene also leads to dopaminergic neuron loss. let-7 has
been implicated in the age-dependent loss of GSCs in males ( Toledano,
D'Alterio, Czech, Levine, & Jones, 2012 ). The number of GSCs is con-
trolled in part by their rate of self-renewal, which is modulated by the janus
kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) path-
way. let-7 can indirectly affect the expression of the secreted activating ligand
of this pathway by directly controlling the levels of the RNA-binding pro-
tein Igf-II mRNA-binding protein (Imp). Overexpression of let-7 in the
hub cells that surround the GSCs can repress Imp via a binding site in the
imp 3'UTR, leading to a reduction in GSC number. Thus, an observed
increase of let-7 expression in the hub cells during adulthood could be
responsible for the age-dependent loss of GSCs by regulating the JAK-
STAT pathway.
4.5. miR-14 and miR-8: molecular links between steroid
and insulin signaling pathways
Coordination between the 20E and insulin signaling pathways regulates the
rate of growth during development, and may also function post-developmen-
tally to link nutritional status with adult processes like reproduction, behavior,
and stress resistance ( Schwedes & Carney, 2012; Tennessen & Thummel,
2011 ). Both miR-14 and miR-8 represent molecular connections between
these pathways, since they are repressed by 20E and, in turn, repress genes
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