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mutant flies are unable to perform many basic adult behaviors, including
walking, climbing, and flying, indicating that these miRNAs ensure the
proper formation of internal adult structures during metamorphosis. 20E-
receptor regulated expression of let-7-C is critical because a let-7-C rescuing
transgene in which the 20E-receptor binding sites are missing is unable to
rescue the adult behavioral defects ( Chawla & Sokol, 2012 ). As summarized
below, recent evidence indicates that Drosophila let-7-C miRNAs control
temporal cell fate decisions during developmental transitions and suggests
that defects in steroid hormone regulated temporal cell fate transitions lead
to the behavioral phenotypes displayed by let-7-C mutant flies.
The temporal wave of let-7-C expression during the larval-to-pupal tran-
sition plays important roles in ensuring the cells adopt appropriate stage spe-
cific behaviors and morphologies. For example, genetic elimination of let-7
and miR-125 leads to a delay in cell-cycle exit in the pupal wing disc, where
cells usually stop dividing early in metamorphosis ( Caygill & Johnston,
2008 ). Thus, mutant adult wings contain more cells than control flies,
although the relevant target in this case remains unknown.
In addition, let-7-C miRNAs ensure that both centrally locatedmushroom
body (MB) neurons as well as peripherally located motoneurons adopt appro-
priate stage-specific morphologies by regulating a pair of bric-a-brac/tramtrack/
broad-complex (BTB)-domain containing zinc finger (BTB-ZF) transcription
factors. In the MBs, let-7-C miRNAs synchronize cell fate transitions amongst
a set of eight neuronal linages by downregulating the BTB-ZF chronologically
inappropriate morphogenesis ( chinmo )( Wu, Chen, Mercer, & Sokol, 2012 ). The
adult fly brain contains two MBs, which are composed of four distinct neu-
ronal subtypes ( g , a 0 / b 0 , pioneer a / b ,and a / b neurons) that are generated by
eight neural progenitor cells ( Ito & Awasaki, 2008; Lee, Lee, & Luo, 1999;
Zhu et al., 2006 ). These progenitors generate the g , a 0 / b 0 ,pioneer a / b ,
and a / b subtypes sequentially during development, so that g neurons are born
during early larval stages while the a 0 / b 0 ,pioneer a / b ,and a / b neurons are
born at progressively later timepoints during the larval-to-pupal transition,
respectively (reviewed in Lin & Lee, 2012 ). Although many genes are
expressed in the MB and have effects on MB morphology, Chinmo is unique
because its expression is gradually downregulated as transitions between g , a 0 /
b 0 ,pioneer a / b ,and a / b production occur suggesting a mechanism for the
ordered production of neuronal subtypes ( Zhu et al., 2006 ). Indeed, genetic
analysis indicates that chinmo has a dosage sensitive effect on MB cell fate, and
that its post-transcriptional downregulation during the larval-to-pupal transi-
tion is responsible for the g!a 0 / b 0 !
pioneer a / b!a / b cell fate transitions
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