Chemistry Reference
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Pectolite NaCa 2 Si 3 O 8 (OH) 2 (triclinic) is an inosilicate with a structure simi-
lar to that of wollastonite. Mn may partially replace calcium, Mg, Fe as sub-
stitution to calcium, Al as substitution to Si may also be present. It has been
synthetized at a temperature of 180°. So it is mostly a hydrothermal mineral (but
may also occur as a primary mineral in skarns and rare alkaline igneous rocks).
Charoite K 5 Ca 8 (Si 6 O 15 ) 2 (Si 2 O 7 )Si 4 O 9 (OH) · 3H 2 O (=K(Ca, Na) 2 Si 4 O 10
(OH, F) · H 2 O) (monoclinic) is a very rare inosilicate, known only in the
Murunskii massif (Yakutia, Russia). It has a quite unique structure of a
3-periodic single and multiple chains. The only justification to show it in the
CD is its strange beauty. Magnesian, non-aluminous silicates (oxides
and hydroxides) (anhydrous and hydrated;
saturated and under-saturated in silica)
These are minerals of metamorphism of siliceous dolomitic rocks and of
skarns developed on dolostones. Monticellite and humites are also of pri-
mary minerals of alkaline ultramafic rocks. Talc and brucite are also prod-
ucts of alteration of olivine and serpentine.
This group includes:
￿ peridots and minerals close to them: forsterite Mg 2 SiO 4 , monticellite
CaMgSiO 4 , humites group(1-4) Mg 2 SiO 4 · Mg(OH,F) 2;
￿ diopside CaMgSi 2 O 6;
￿ merwinite Ca 3 MgSi 2 O 6 , very rare mineral of high temperature (not dis-
cussed here);
talc, hydrated phyllosilicate Mg 6 (Si 8 O 20 )(OH) 4;
periclase MgO and brucite Mg(OH) 2.
Clintonite and xantophyllite Ca 2 (Mg, Al) 6 Si 1,5 Al 5,5 O 20 (OH) 4 , are mag-
nesian (and aluminous) brittle micas (§ which have the same occur-
rences as the previous minerals.
Neither enstatite MgSiO 3 nor anthophyllite Mg 5 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 occur
in this type of deposits because they are replaced in presence of calcite by
3MgSiO 3
CaCO 3
CaMgSi 2 O 6
Mg 2 SiO 4
CO 2
Forsterite and diopside have been previously discussed with olivines and
The composition of monticellite CaMgSiO 4 does not vary very much as
the substitution of Mg by Fe or Mn is very limited. Monticellite is a mineral
of high temperature, formed at temperatures higher than diopside, forsterite
and wollastonite (650-850°C depending f CO2 ). At higher temperatures, it is
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