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Piemontite is a manganesiferous epidote where manganese is in the Mn 3+
form: Ca 2 (Mn 3+ , Fe 3+ , Al) Al 2 Si 3 O 12 (OH). Piemontite form a continuous series
from pistachites to an end member of formula Ca 2 Mn 3+ Al 2 Si 3 O 12 (OH). Alu-
minum in M position M may be partially replaced by Mn 3+ , defining an end
member of formula Ca 2 Mn 3+ 2 AlSi 3 O 12 (OH).
Rare earth elements (REE) enter in the lattice of epidote by
Ca 2+ Fe 3+
REE 3+ Fe 2+
In addition, Th, U, Mn 2+ may enter in the X site and the beryllium may
enter as a substitution of Si. Allanite (also known as orthite ) is a REE epi-
dote of formula:
(Ca, Ce, La, Y, Th, U, Mn 2+ ) 2 (Al, Fe 3+ , Fe 2+ )Al 2 Si 3 O 12 (OH)
Pumpellyite has a structure similar to that of epidote: chains of octahe-
dra, linked by SiO 4 tetrahedra and Si 2 O 7 double tetrahedra. This gives place
to 7-fold coordinated sites, occupied by Ca in the chains of octahedra, four
sites are occupied by only Al; two sites contain (Al, Fe, Mg). OH ions par-
tially replace oxygen. Hence the formula is:
Ca 2 (Al, Mg, Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ )Al 2 (Si 2 (O, OH) 7 ) (SiO 4 ) (O, OH) 3
The composition of pumpellyite varies by substitutions Al Fe 3+ and
Mg Fe 2+ and, rarely, by the presence of chromium and manganese.
The stability range is limited by temperature: the pumpellyite is replaced
at lower temperatures (below 200-250°C) by the association chlorite
nite and towards higher temperatures (above 350-400°C) by zoisite
calcic garnet. These reactions define the prehnite-pumpellyite facies
between zeolite and greenschist facies. Pumpellyite is also found at higher
pressures in blueschist facies.
Lawsonite is a mineral close to epidote in its structure: chains of alumi-
num octahedra, linked by Si 2 O 7 groups This gives place for sites for Ca and
OH. Chemically lawsonite varies little: CaAl 2 Si 2 O 7 (OH) 2 ,H 2 O; this formula
is similar to that of anorthite except for the presence of H 2 O and a more
compact structure that makes lawsonite a mineral of high-pressure. At lower
pressures and higher temperatures it is replaced by zoisite
(Figures 1.9 and 3.4) and at "low" pressure (up to 10kb) and at high tem-
perature, by anorthite.
Prehnite Ca 2 Al 2 Si 3 O 10 (OH) 2 is a phyllosilicate, made of Si 3 AlO 10 sheets, where
alumina is in the tetrahedral position, bound by chains Al(in octahedral
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