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27..54), and (Gender, female)
. The second criterion will indicate that (Gen-
der, female) is the best candidate. Thus T =
(Age, 27..33.5), (Gender,
. Furthermore,
[ T ]
[( Hobby,shooting )] .
We will execute the loop for to minimize T . After the first attempt we
[( Gender,female )]
[( Hobby,shooting )]
hence (Gender, female) is our second minimal complex. Additionally, for
(Age, 40..63)
(Gender, female)
[( Age, 40 .. 63)]
[( Gender,female )] = [( Hobby,shooting )] ,
is a local covering of [(Hobby, shooting)].
Our new input set to the algorithm MLEM2 is the other concept, i.e.,
the set
2, 5
. The set T ( G ) of all attribute-value pairs relevant to G is
(Age, 27..29.5), (Age, 29.5..63), (Age 27..33.5), (Age, 33.5..63), (Age, 27..40),
(Age, 27..54), (Gender, male)
. The most relevant attribute-value pairs are
(Age, 27..40), (Age, 27..54), and (Gender, male). The second criterion, the
minimum of
[(Attribute, value)]
does not break the tie since
[(Age, 27..40)]
[(Gender, male)]
= 3. The last resort is to select the first pair, i.e., (Age,
27..40). However,
[( Age, 27 .. 40)]
[( Hobby,fishing )] ,
therefore we have to run the MLEM2 algorithm through the second iteration
of the inner while loop. This time from T ( G ) the attribute-value pair (Age,
27..40) is excluded, and the most relevant attribute-value pair is (Gender,
male). Moreover, for T = { ( Age, 27 .. 40) , ( Gender,male ) } we have
[( Hobby,fishing )] .
Furthermore, this set is already minimal and
[ T ]=[( Hobby,fishing )] ,
so our local covering for [(Hobby, fishing)] is the set containing as the only
element T =
(Age, 27..40), (Gender, male)
. The rule set, determined by the
MLEM2 algorithm, in the LERS format, is
1, 2, 2
(Age, 40..63) - > (Hobby, shooting)
1, 2, 2
(Gender, female) - > (Hobby, shooting)
2, 2, 2
(Age, 27..40) & (Gender, male) - > (Hobby, fishing)
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