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Figure 3.23. Response time of the system according to the number
of users registered with the service Ergonomics evaluation
The objective of this evaluation was to gather, in the field, the opinions of the
people mainly targeted by the application. We therefore carried out a study in a
student population at the University of Valenciennes in France [GRI 07] (see
Figure 3.24).
Figure 3.24. Subjects using the PIS on PDA and PC
An original evaluation approach [SOU 07], [SOU 08a], [SOU 08b] was put
forward, broken down into three phases 4 :
- A preparation phase: the evaluator must choose tasks that are representative of
the system and prepare a general questionnaire on the experimentation subjects and
one form per criterion evaluated. The task chosen here is the itinerary search after
4 This research on the evaluation of a PIS was extended in the context of a thesis [SOU 10].
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