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- The capture of technical needs makes an inventory of all the constraints that
do not deal with the description of the business domain or the service. It consists of
the specification of tools (software), structure of the hardware to use and constraints
for integration with what already exists. The material configuration is modeled
through diagrams of deployment and the software specification is modeled via
component diagrams.
- Generic design defines the elements that are necessary for construction of the
technical architecture independently of the functional aspects and functional
analysis. The architecture must be constructed so as to favor its reuse. This generic
design can lead to the development of one or several prototypes in order to verify
and validate the principles defined. The models used in the generic design
essentially concern diagrams of class and components.
3.3.2. Design of the service
The design aims to specify the analysis model in such a way that it can be
implemented with the elements of the architecture. It is a matter of expressing static
and dynamic models that will be directly translated in the form of codes, which can
be executed in the analysis phase of the service. The class diagram of the analysis
phase of the service (functional analysis and generic design) is developed to enable
a direct passage from the design model to implementation. The types of attributes of
classes and types and parameters of inputs/outputs of the methods need to be
specified. Dynamic diagrams are used to specify the states of classes (state-
transition diagrams), the algorithm of methods (activity diagrams) and interactions
between the different classes (by sequence diagram, for example). The component
diagrams that come from the analysis phase will be completed and specified after
the design of all the classes useful to the development of the service.
3.3.3. Implementation of the service
This is the stage of effective realization of the service. The service is developed
in accordance with the conceptual models defined during the design phase. During
implementation, the developer will make sure that the design model exactly reflects
the IT code produced. Service tests can be carried out by data simulation (in
accordance with data models defined in the analysis phase) to be provided to the
service (these data will come from the PS when the integration phase is over). These
tests can lead to a revision of the analysis model of the service, which will require
another realization of different phases of the IS and PS parts.
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