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3.3. PerMet: method for the development of personalized information systems
The approach proposed by PerMet is in line with approaches that separate the IS
from the PS, as [KOB 95] and [TRO 99] did initially. This choice of separation
between IS and PS is driven by the personalization objective of the former, which
possibly already exists. In transport, this is important if we wish to use information
coming from different operators of modes of travel.
This separation is also necessary in order to meet the multi-application criteria
that enables the unique Single Sign On (SSO, authentication or identification
allowing a user to access several IT applications or secured websites) [PFI 04]. It
must also favor personalization of the multi-modal, multi-channel and multi-
platform HMI (according to the initial objective of these works [ANL 05a],
[ANL 05b], [ANL 05b]).
The IS is considered an ensemble of services. A personalized service
corresponds to a functional unit enabling a personalized HMI. A PIS can therefore
be seen as an IS providing at least one personalized service.
To meet the objective of distributiveness and upgradeability, like [DIC 03] and
in the continuity of works initially carried out [MAN 02], [PET 01], [PET 03a],
[PET 06] at the LAMIH, we advocate the use of a PS based on software agents. The
distributiveness is ensured thanks to the characteristics of autonomy,
communicability and mobility of software agents, which can be seen as being at the
service of users [GRI 01], [KOL 98]. Upgradeability is favored thanks to the
characteristics of adaptability and reproducibility.
The PerMet method adheres to a development model following three parts
(Figure 3.1). The IS part concerns the development of an IS service. The PS part
concerns the adaptation and the configuration of a PS composed of software agents
to meet the objectives of service personalization. These two parts, IS and PS, follow
a classical development model that can take place in parallel and join together to
form the middle part. As we can see in the figure, it starts from a requirements
analysis (see Chapter 2 on this subject).
The PerMet development model is iterative and incremental. Each iteration gives
rise to an increment aiming to improve the usability of the service. However, it is
not necessary to specify all the services to be personalized in an IS. The other
services can be specified and developed according to needs. There are different
platforms made up of agents (Jade or Java Agent DEvelopment Framework
[BEL 07] currently being the most well known). Thus, the effective realization of
different phases can vary slightly according to the platform used.
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