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8.8. Bibliography
[BAR 97] B ARRASS S., Auditory information design, PhD thesis, The Australian National
University, 1997.
[BLA 89] B LATTNER M.M., S UMIKAWA D., G REENBERG R.M., “Earcons and icons: their
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[BRE 94] B REWSTER S.A., W RIGHT P.C., E DWARDS A.D.N., “The design and evaluation of an
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length of audio messages”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , vol. 43,
no. 2, pp. 153-175, 1995.
[BRE 98a] B REWSTER S.A., “Using non-speech sounds to provide navigation cues”, ACM
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[BRE 98b] B REWSTER S.A., C APRIOTTI A., H ALL C.V., “Using compound earcons to represent
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[CON 98] C ONVERSY S., “Wind and wave auditory icons for monitoring continuous
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[DON 69] D ONDERS F.C., “On the speed of mental processes”, Acta Psychologica , no. 30,
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[GAV 86] G AVER W., “Auditory icons: using sound in computer interfaces”, Human-
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[GAV 89] G AVER W., “The SonicFinder: an interface that uses auditory icons”, Human-
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[GIO 11] G IORDANO B., S USINI P., B RESIN R., “Experimental methods for the perceptual
evaluation of sound-producing objects and interfaces”, in Sonic Interaction Design Book,
MIT Press, 2011.
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