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Hybrid library (LIB1)
Museme library (LIB2)
Communication (63%)
Vehicle (42%)
Images (38%)
Music (54%)
Videos (54%)
Navigation ( 25% / 33%)
Videos ( 21% / 21%)
Navigation ( 21% / 33%)
Vehicle ( 25% / 33%)
Music (63%)
Images (63%)
Communication (50%)
Table 8.1. Evaluation of the sound/function coherence
for the hybrid and museme libraries
- In addition, stage 3 can also enable us to judge the continuity of the auditory
item during in-depth navigation in the Communication or Music menus. Regarding
this, for the museme library (LIB2), continuity is judged satisfactory by most of the
participants in the Music (83%) and Communication menus (96% in the sub-menus
of Communication and 92% in the Telephone sub-menus). For the hybrid library
(LIB1), this continuity of auditory theme is only judged satisfactory in the Music
menu (96%) and the Communication sub menus (96% each); however, 42% of
participants find that the Telephone sub-menu is not homogeneous.
That being said, in the general comments formulated during this stage, it is
interesting to highlight that some lament the lack of the evocative nature of sounds
in the last level of the menu, involving difficult memorization. Nonetheless, 29% of
participants highlight and appreciate that the depth of the menu is given by the
simplification of sounds when we go deeper into the structure.
- Finally, concerning the preference among the two hierarchical libraries, the
majority of participants (79%) orientated their choice towards the hybrid library
(LIB1) versus a distinct minority (13%) for the museme library (LIB2). More
specifically, the hybrid library is preferred as it is judged to be more explicit,
suggestive, intuitive and therefore capable of facilitating memorization, learning and
familiarization with the system. Let us nonetheless note that 8% of participants
would like a mix of both libraries keeping the musemes sounds Music and Videos
and completing with the remaining sounds from the hybrid library.
From the point of view of guiding efficiency, the context of the study is as
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