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Figure 8.8. Process of the definition of metaphors associated with the main menus
At this stage, several obstacles can appear:
- menus that are abstract or polysemic (such as Communication or Navigation )
can result in complex notions that are difficult to realize in terms of sound metaphor;
- the most common menus (such as Music or Videos ) can be interpreted by pre-
conceived ideas - “cliché” type notions - leading to situations that are too
stereotyped and therefore less efficient in terms of interface quality (“old” or “retro”
aspect not considered as being very qualitative);
- transposition in the sound domain of the idea suggested by a menu can
sometimes lead to fabricated (“manufactured”), or even fictitious, images.
These problems can be partly resolved thanks to design and validation methods
such as:
- initially, the production of a great many ideas, e.g. collective discussion
sessions ( brainstorming );
- the different stages of the process to test the different proposals with a panel of
people enabling us to objectively select the best candidates;
- the possibility of building sound metaphors in a composite manner, i.e. by
combining several basic ideas either by superposing them (mixing) or by
concatenation (sequencing). Symbolic approach
The symbolic approach (earcons) seems better adapted to signify the position of
the hierarchical structure in space. It is produced according to the “parameter
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