Information Technology Reference
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applications. RFID technology can be a solution to this problem as its storage
capabilities are increasing more and more.
The traceability of operations is a strong requirement in sensitive situations
necessitating a possibility for verification after the fact. It is a matter of saving the
operations carried out in order to be able to retrace them. The operations in question
are carried out by memorizing, for each operation, the part involved and the tool
used. For this, tagging by RFID of all the parts as well as the tools (screwdriver,
clamp, hammer and other more sophisticated tools) enable information to be
collected “naturally” in the operations carried out. Afterwards, it is possible to
retrace all the operations carried out on each part, as well as the use of different
tools. For this the information collected is either centralized in a database or stored
locally on the RFID labels [SRI 05].
The prescription of operations is complementary to traceability, as it enables the
actions to be carried out under control, in other words we are aiming here for the
guided execution of the necessary professional process. Indeed, it is a matter of
ensuring the safety and robustness of operations. This control can be, on the one
hand, of identity, and therefore the qualification of the user, who must identify
himself by his RFID badge and, on the other hand, of the process itself, during
which the sequence of actions and parts and tools used are controlled. In practice,
this means becoming familiar with the sequence of operations carried out and of the
ensemble of tools and parts handled during this time, by controlling the coherence
of what the user does in respect to what is being asked and notifying him of his
inappropriate choices, where applicable. These different aspects and concepts
progressively appear in the work described hereafter.
6.7. HMI (Human-Machine Interface) needs for the e-Truck and e-Bus
6.7.1. HMI of driving activity
In driving activities, HMI is mainly based on an integrative screen on which all
the useful information is shown. By integration, we qualify the approach in which a
single screen is used (so as not to transform the cab of the truck into a plane's
cockpit) to display, each in turn and selectively, at the demand of the system or the
user, information and the human-machine interfaces linked to the different activities.
If everything is accessible when stationary, including driving activities, presentation
of the state of the vehicle, road instructions as well as navigational guiding, the
functioning of the car radio, telephone, etc., when driving, a natural selection must
be set up according to the context in order not to disturb the main driving task, both
in the e-Truck and the e-Bus. This context takes into consideration the present
situation characterized by the main activity (driving), the state of the car, the state of
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