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∀mod i ∈ MOD ,
∀med j ∈ MED , mod i
rest med j
expresses that mod i
can be
restituted by med j .
Let us consider the set of couples (modality and medium), such as the modality is
restituted by the media:
ITEM = { ( mod i ,med j ) such as mod i ∈ MOD∧ med j
∈ MED∧ mod i rest med j }
Let the function affect which associate a couple (modality and media) with an
elementary unit of UIE information in ITEM .
affect : UIE −→ ITEM
The syntax of PME is expressed by the following BNF grammar:
PME :: = affect ( UIE ) | iter ( n, P ME ) | affect ( UIE ) compl P ME |
affect ( UIE ) redun P ME | affect ( UIE ) choice P ME with n ∈ N
where Iter expresses the iteration n times an elementary multimodal presentation
pme :
Iter : N × PME −→ PME
Let the representational interpretation function of the multimodal presentations
repres defined as follows:
repres : PME −→ DR
where DR is
multimodal presentations. Thus the operators compl , redun , choice express:
- compl : the representational complementarity between two elementary
multimodal presentations for the restitution of an elementary unit of information UIE ;
- redun : the representational redundancy between two elementary multimodal
presentations for the restitution of an elementary unit of UIE information;
- choice : the representational choice between two elementary multimodal
presentations for the restitution of an elementary unit of UIE information:
compl : PME× PME −→ PME
redun : PME× PME −→ PME
choice : PME× PME −→ PME
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