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know the semantics of all the symbols (correspondence table) in order to interpret the
different symbols. The SRM model
The SRM model [BOR 97] represents the process of the construction of the output
interaction based on the goal. It involves five layers:
- Control layer , which consists of selecting the next goal to be reached (output
interactive task) or the presentation command to be executed;
- Content layer , which first refines the goal into more specialized sub-goals, then
selects the couple (modality, media) as well as the content of the presentation for each
elementary goal;
- Design layer , which fixes the morphological attributes (e.g. size of the font used)
and spatial and temporal (chronology and arrangement on the interface) of couples
(modality, media);
- Realization layer , which deals with effectively generating the presentation;
- Presentation display layer , the role of which is to distribute the different
components of the presentation to the appropriate media and to coordinate the different
components in order to result in the presentation.
Figure 4.3. The WWHT (What, Which, How, Then) model
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