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grammar. Thus, the syntax of the model corresponding to this type of interface is
given by the following BNF grammar rules:
S ::= S [] S | S S | S|||S | E Am i
E Am i
::= a i ;
E Am i | δ with a i ∈ Am i
Simultaneous parallel type : this type of HCI has the same constraints on the
statements as the previous type does but several modalities can be used at the same
time. Thus, the parallel operator is used in the S rule of the grammar. The syntax
of the model corresponding to this type of interface is given by the following BNF
grammar rules:
S ::= S [] S | S S | S||S | S|||S | E Am i
E Am i
::= a i ;
E Am i |
with a i ∈ Am i
Alternated parallel type : in this type of HCI, a statement can be produced by
several modalities interleaved in parallel. This explains the presence of the interleaved
parallel operator in the second rule that generates the statements. The statements are
indexed by all the interactive actions AM that produce them and are produced by a
subset of modalities. The syntax of the model corresponding to this type of interface
is given by the following BNF grammar rules:
S ::= S [] S | S S | S|||S | E AM
E AM ::= a ;
E AM | a|||E AM | δ with a ∈ AM
Synergistic parallel type : in this type of HCI, the statements are composed in a
parallel or sequential manner. This involves the presence of all the operators in the
S rule. Each of the statements can be produced by several modalities, hence the
indexation of the statements by set AM . Several actions can be set off at the same
time thanks to the presence of the parallel operator in the two rules ( S and E AM ). The
syntax of the model corresponding to this type of interface is given by the following
BNF grammar rules:
S ::= S [] S | S S | S||S | S|||S | E AM
E AM ::= a ;
E AM | a|||E AM | a||E AM | δ with a ∈ AM Semantics
The dynamic or operational semantics describes the dynamic behavior of the
system. The operational semantic associates a model in the form of a system of
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