Java Reference
In-Depth Information
If all settings have been made, you can call
your inscriptionFlow in the start page with a
button as follows:
<h:commandButton id="start"
<f:attribute name="toFlowDocumentId"
Stateless views
JSF 2.2 did not only add new widgets, it also improved memory usage. Prior to
Version 2.0 of the specification, the whole component tree was saved and restored
whenever there was any change in the view. This degraded system performance
and stuffed the memory. With Version 2.0, the specification has introduced the partial
state saving mechanism. This mechanism consists of saving only the state that has
changed after the creation of the component tree and reduces the amount of data
to be saved. In the same light, JSF 2.2 offers us the possibility to define stateless
views. As the name suggests, no data about the UIComponent state of the view's
components will be saved.
To transform a simple view into a stateless view, you just need to specify true as
the value of the transient attribute of the f:view tag (see the following code).
<title>Facelet Title</title>
<f:view transient="true">
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