Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• Set object construction:
The construction of Set collection type results in an instance of Set <Ob-
ject> and it is done according to the following syntax:
SetCollectionObject = '{'elements '}'
Here, elements has the form (expression (',' expression)* )?
For example: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {'one','two','three','four'},
{1.3, 2, 3,{4.9, 5.1}}
• List object construction:
The construction of List collection type results in an instance of List<Ob-
ject> and it is done according to the following syntax:
ListCollectionObject = '['elements']'
Here, elements has the form (expression (',' expression)* )?
For example: [one, 'two', ['three', 'four'],five], [1, 2,
3, [4,5]]
• Map object construction:
The construction of Map object type results in an instance of Map<Object>
and it is done according to the following syntax:
MapCollectionObject = '{' MapElements '}'
Here, MapElements has the form (MapElement (',' MapElement)*
)? and MapElement the form expression ':' expression
For example: {1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three', 4:'four'}
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