Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void closeConnection(Session session)
throws Exception {
The @ServerEndpoint annotation defines a server type endpoint and the path
where it will be deployed. You will also notice that the API offers annotations to de-
scribethemethodtobeexecutedineachstepoftheendpointlifecycle. Thefollowing
table gives the list and the role of WebSocket endpoint lifecycle annotations.
The following table lists the WebSocket endpoint lifecycle annotations:
Designates the method to be executed at the opening of a connec-
@OnMessage Designates the method to be executed when a message is received
@OnError Designates the method to be executed in case of a connection error
@OnClose Designates the method to be executed when the connection is
Any message sent by a WebSocket client is intercepted by the onMessage() meth-
od, which takes the client session and the message as parameters (for other para-
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