Java Reference
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offers four main programming interfaces whose instances must be made available to
application components as container-managed objects. The offered interfaces are:
ContextService , ManagedExecutorService , ManagedScheduledExecut-
orService , and ManagedThreadFactory . All these interfaces are contained in
the javax.enterprise.concurrent package.
These four interfaces can be explained as follows:
Managed executor service : The ManagedExecutorService interface
extends the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface. It al-
lows us to submit an asynchronous task that will be run on a separate thread
created and managed by the container. By default, any Java EE 7-compliant
server must provide a ManagedScheduledExecutorService that can be
accessed by application components under the JNDI name java:comp/
DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService . But, if you want to cre-
ate your own, you must first declare the ManagedExecutorService re-
source environment reference in the web.xml file for a web application or
ejb-jar.xml for an EJB module. The specification recommends that all
ManagedExecutorService resource environment references be organ-
ized in the java:comp/env/concurrent subcontext.
• The following configuration is an example declaration of a Man-
agedExecutorService resource environment reference:
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