Java Reference
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Novelties of Java EE 7
The Java EE 7 was developed as a Java Specification Request (JSR 342). It has
a total of 31 specifications including 4 new specifications, 10 major releases, and
9 MRs (Maintenance Releases). All these specifications are taken into account by
the GlassFish Server 4.0 (accessible via the address
load.html ) , which is the reference implementation of Java EE 7.
The new specifications introduced in Java EE are as follows:
• Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0 ( ) , for
asynchronous processing and multi-threaded tasks in Java EE application
• Batch Applications for the Java Platform 1.0 (
tail?id=352 ), to perform long-running tasks and bulk operations.
• Java API for JSON Processing 1.0 ( ) , which
provides support for JSON processing. It offers Java EE components the abil-
ity to parse, generate, transform, and query JSON format.
• Java API for WebSocket 1.0 ( ), to build We-
bSocket applications.
APIs inherited from the Java EE 6 platform that have undergone major changes are
the following:
• Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) Specification (
en/jsr/detail?id=342 ), when compared to Java EE 6, further simplifies devel-
opment, adds support for HTML5, and prepares the platform to migrate to the
• Java Servlet 3.1 Specification ( ) introduces
some features such as non blocking I/O API and protocol upgrade processing
• Expression Language 3.0 ( ) was separated
from JSP specification request, and it came with many changes including an
• JavaServer Faces 2.2 ( ) integrates the sup-
port for the HTML5 standard and brings features such as resource library con-
tracts, Faces Flow, and stateless views
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