Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Supported type
This ensures that the value of
the object is null
This ensures that the value of
the object is not null
@AssertTrue boolean , Boolean
This ensures that the value of
the object is true
@AssertFalse boolean , Boolean
This ensures that the value of
the object is false
BigDecimal , BigInteger
byte , short , int , long , and
the respective wrappers (such as
Byte and Short )
This ensures that the value of
the object is greater than or
equal to the value specified in
the annotation
BigDecimal , BigInteger
byte , short , int , long , and
the respective wrappers (such as
Byte and Short )
This ensures that the value of
the object is less than or equal
to the value specified in the
@DecimalMin BigDecimal , BigInteger ,
This ensures that the value of
the object is greater than or
equal to the value specified in
the annotation
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