Java Reference
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public void save(){}
The annotations have been integrated into the Java language since JDK 5 and they
are now widely used in many APIs. To avoid redefining some annotations in several
APIs, theJCPdevelopedthecommonannotations fortheJavaplatform specification
with the goal of regrouping annotations that are common to different Java EE APIs,
which avoids redundancy and facilitates the maintenance of regrouped annotations.
In the following code, we have the example of the @Resource annotation from the
common annotations for the Java platform API , which permits us to access an ob-
ject of type SessionContext in a web container and in an EJB container.
public class MySessionBean {
private SessionContext sctx;
public class MyJsfManagedBean {
private SessionContext sctx;
Building your own annotation
Although there are already several annotations, Java offers the opportunity to create
new custom annotations if you need. To do this, you should know that an annotation
is declared as a Java interface. The only difference is that, in the case of the annota-
tion the keyword interface must be preceded by the character @ . The following
code shows the declaration of the custom annotation Unfinished . This annotation
contains a parameter named message whose default value is Nothing has been
done .
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