Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The InscriptionValidationBean class contains the startValida-
tionBatchJob method which, as its name suggests, launches batch processing to
validate the preregistration and notify different candidates. Batch processing presen-
ted here is the chunk type in which the ValidationReader class is used to read
the data useful for validation, the ValidationProcessor class is used to validate
the preregistration, and the ValidationWriter class is used to notify the candid-
ate. This class also serves to create a student when the candidate is selected. As
you can see, in order to send an e-mail, the ValidationWriter class firstly sends
a JMS message through MsgSenderSessionBean to the component responsible
for sending the e-mail. This allows us to avoid blockages in ValidationWriter
when there is a connection breakdown. Also, in the batch process, we have the
listener ValidationJobListener , which enables us to record a certain amount
of information in the validation table at the end of batch processing.
For the sake of simplicity and reusability, navigation between web pages during the
preregistration of a candidate ( departmentList.xhtml , acceptanceCondi-
tions.xhtml , identificationInformation.xhtml , contactInforma-
tion.xhtml , medicalInformation.xhtml , schoolInformation.xhtml ,
and InformationValidation.xhtml )willbemadeusingtheFacesFlow.Onthe
other hand, the content of various pages will be structured with the Resource Library
Contracts and communication in the chat room will be managed using WebSocket; it
is for this reason that you have the ChatServerEndPoint class, which is the serv-
er endpoint for this communication.
The execution of the validation process of preregistration is made from the in-
scriptionValidation.xhtml facelet. In order to give the administrator a feed-
back on the progress of the validation process, the facelet will contain a progress bar
updated in real time, which leads us once again to use the WebSocket protocol.
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