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cash dispensers. A strategy is needed that causes as little disruption to the
established three-tier architectures of the two organizations as possible.
You are asked first to provide a simple ODP specification of the two sys-
tems, and then to identify the minimum set of changes that will be required
to implement the modifications in both systems.
B.1.6 Google Search Engine
Imagine that you are hired by Google TM as Chief Architect for one of its
core products, the Google Search Engine, and that they want you to provide
an architectural description of that application, with the goals of:
Relying on high-level models to understand this application,
in a
platform- and technology-independent manner.
Having a conceptual model of the data the application manages.
Defining the software architecture of the application, for guiding subse-
quent developments and changes.
Specifying the deployment architecture and communications infrastruc-
ture, expressed in terms of distributed servers, processes and channels, to
be able to have a global picture of the system workload, to perform load-
balancing improvements or to conduct end-to-end performance analysis
of the system.
Describing the technology adoption, acquisition, provisioning and main-
tenance procedures for the hardware, software and communications in-
frastructure that should support the application.
Write the ODP specification of the Google Search Engine, including all
five viewpoints and the correspondences between them.
B.2 Some Additional Questions
Answer these questions based on the concepts presented in this topic.
1. A designer says, \Now that we have decided to allow persistent data to
be stored on mobile devices in our system, the enterprise policy on required
availability levels means we will need to add engineering mechanisms sup-
porting replication transparency for all the computational objects, not just
those that are currently tagged as having critical requirements in the compu-
tational design." Explain, to someone ignorant of the ODP architecture, what
the designer is saying, and what the concepts they have used mean.
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