Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Give It Some Sugar
Look around your world within the game. Things are happening. There are enemies.
There is a bottomless pit. There are platforms you can jump between. Things are
really starting to feel like a solid 2D game, all built in a 3D engine. Pretty cool, eh?
However, it is starting to feel a bit claustrophobic, isn't it? Just this one screen
and a handful of enemies. Just one screen, no where to go. OK, I can't breath.
The monitor is closing in on us.
Let's prevent any further hyperventilating and add more to this world. We need
more room to breathe; I mean, move. You get the picture. Just breathe; we're going to
get through this together. In this chapter, we're going to discuss the following topics:
• Building a bigger game world
• Parallax scrolling
• A scoring system
• Generating enemies endlessly
Expanding the world!
It's time to make the world bigger! We already have a camera that follows the
player and also all the Prefabs we need to add platforms and enemies. So, let's
start by building up the level a bit more. Have some fun here and put up a bunch
of new platforms. Drag-and-drop the Platform Prefab from the Project tab into the
Hierarchy tab. Make sure the player can jump between the platforms, or the game
won't be much fun. Also, make sure your Death Trigger object covers the full area
below your level. With all these new platforms, be sure to also place a bunch of new
enemies on them, because awesome platforms need awesome enemies.
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