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public class TakeDamageFromPlayerBullet : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void hitByPlayerBullet();
public event hitByPlayerBullethitByBullet;
void OnTriggerEnter2D( Collider2D collidedObject )
if(collidedObject.tag == "Player Bullet")
if(hitByBullet != null)
Attach the script to the Defense Collider object inside the Enemy parent object. Now
we can accept weapon shots from the player and call the hitByBullet event when it
occurs. Let's modify the EnemyControllerScript to listen to these events.
First, at the beginning of EnemyControllerScript , add an object reference to
TakeDamageFromPlayerBullet using the following line of code:
public TakeDamageFromPlayerBullet bulletColliderListener = null;
Make sure that you assign the Defense Collider object to this field in the
Inspector panel. Next, add the following functions above the Start function in
EnemyControllerScript :
void OnEnable()
// Subscribe to events from the bullet collider
bulletColliderListener.hitByBullet += hitByPlayerBullet;
void OnDisable()
// Unsubscribe from events
bulletColliderListener.hitByBullet -= hitByPlayerBullet;
Finally, add a function called Destroy to manage what happens when the enemy is
hit by a bullet, as shown in the following code snippet. This code could technically
go anywhere, but let's place it at the bottom of the EnemyControllerScript .
public void hitByPlayerBullet()
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