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So to prevent any float and margin collapsing issues we make all the main
boxes block formatting contexts.
#footer {
overflow: hidden;
zoom: 1;
#main {
float: left;
#sidebar {
margin-right: -200px;
Note : if things look a bit di " erent in IE 6 and 7 it is because in these
browsers default margins do collapse inside block-formatting contexts. The
following should also be considered:
overflow and zoom on #header and #footer make these elements
new block formatting contexts.
• For #main we use float rather than overflow to prevent potential
issues if we had to o " set some nested content.
• The negative margin keeps #main into place because now that it is a
float, its border box comes next to the margin box of #sidebar (the
negative value must match the dimension of the said box).
If you look at the second step, you'll see that the border of #main hides
#sidebar. This is because of the stacking context. In the flow (tree order),
#main comes after #sidebar so the former overlaps the latter.
Positioning #sidebar brings it up in the stack.
#sidebar {
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