HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
The @font-face rule , part of CSS3, allows you to link to a font on your
server, called a “web font,” just as you can link to images, and displays text
on your site in this font. You can now make use of your beautiful, unique
fonts instead of just the fonts that most people already have installed on
their machines. Fortunately, @font-face has good browser support. But
alas, it's not as simple as that. Di " erent browsers support di " erent types of
fonts, di " erent platforms and browsers anti-alias very di " erently, you can get
a flash of unstyled text before the font loads, your font may not allow
@font-face embedding in its license, and on and on it goes.
Sam Howat's site uses @font-face to get attractive non-standard fonts into
the headings and intro blocks of text.
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