HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Using text-shadow keeps you from resorting to Flash or images for your
text. This can speed up the time it takes you to develop the site, as well as
speed up your pages. Avoiding Flash and image text can also aid
accessibility and usability; just make sure your text is still legible with the
drop shadow behind it, so you don't inadvertently hurt usability instead!
Aids in: progressive enhancement, adaptability, e " ciency
CSS3 makes it possible to do things like rotate, scale, and skew the objects
in your pages without resorting to images, Flash, or JavaScript. All of these
e " ects are called “transforms.” They're supported in Firefox, Safari, Chrome,
and Opera 10.5.
You apply a transform using the transform property, naturally (though for
now you'll need to use the browser-specific equivalents: -moz-transform ,
-webkit-transform , and -o-transform ). You can also use the
transform-origin property to specify the point of origin from which the
transform takes place, such as the center or top right corner of the object.
In the transform property, you specify the type of transform (called
“transform functions”), and then in parentheses write the measurements
needed for that particular transform. For instance, a value of
translate(10px, 20px) would move the element 10 pixels to the right
and 20 pixels down from its original location in the flow. Other supported
transform functions are scale , rotate , and skew .
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