HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Modular CSS o " ers these benefits (depending on which techniques and
tools you use):
Smaller file sizes
When all of the content across your website is styled with only a handful
of CSS classes, rather than an array of CSS IDs that only work on
particular pieces of content on particular pages, your style sheets will
have many fewer redundant lines of code.
Reduced development time
Using frameworks, standard classes and other modular CSS tools keeps
you from having to re-invent the wheel every time you start a new
website. By using your own or other developers' tried and true CSS
classes, you spend less time testing and tweaking in di " erent browsers.
Reduced maintenance time
When your style sheets include broad, reusable classes that work
anywhere on your website, you don't have to come up with new styles
when you add new content. Also, when your CSS is lean and well
organized, you spend less time tracking down problems in your style
sheets when browser bugs pop up.
Easier maintenance for others
In addition to making maintenance less time-consuming for you, well-
organized CSS and smartly named classes also make maintenance
easier for developers who weren't involved in the initial development of
the style sheets. They'll be able to find what they need and use it more
easily. CMS' and frameworks also allow people who are not as familiar
with your website to update it easily, without screwing anything up.
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