HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Image presence
Does the content make sense and is it readable without images (either
background or foreground)?
Assistive technology/disability
Does the page work well in screen readers? Does the page work well
without a mouse?
This is not a comprehensive list; and even so, you would not be able to
accommodate every one of these variations in your design. But the more
you can account for, the more user-friendly, robust and successful your
website will be.
Modern websites are no longer collections of static pages. Pieces of content
and design components are reused throughout a website and even shared
between websites, as content management systems (CMS), RSS
aggregation and user-generated content increase in popularity. Modern
design components have to be able to adapt to all of the di " erent places
they will be used and the di " erent types and amount of content they will
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