Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Left Parking for the Disabled Centre Adapted bus door Right Lift to the U-Bahn station
Berlin for Disabled Visitors
Streets and
Nearly all pavements in
Berlin are sloped at
junctions to make them
suitable for wheelchair
users. However visitors
in wheelchairs will need
to watch out for cyclists
using the red cycle tracks,
often in both directions.
(030) 194 49.
d Deutsche Bahn Berlin
around the clock
(030) 20 45 11 16
All buses displaying a
wheelchair symbol are
specially equipped for
disabled access; most
buses in the centre have
one door with a ramp
that can be lowered
down to the pavement.
At certain times, however,
these buses run only at
20-minute intervals.
tourists, and it provides
information on disabled
access to sights.
Berliner Behinder-
tenverband e V
This charitable associ-
ation gives advice and
support on all issues
concerning disabled
people in Berlin.
d Information hotline (030)
204 38 47 Call times:
11:30am-5:30pm Wed, Fri
Most underground
stations in the centre,
including those that are
actually above ground in
high-level stations on
viaducts, are equipped
with lifts, giving wheel-
chair users easy access
from the road to the
d BVG service for disabled
access to stations
(030) 25 62 20 96
d S-Bahn service for
disabled access to stations
(030) 29 74 33 33
U- and S-Bahn
Underground trains
are accessible to wheel-
chair users although they
are a little narrow. If you
wish to travel by U-Bahn,
wait at the head of the
platform. After the train
has stopped, the driver
will put up a ramp to
bridge the difference in
height between platform
and train. If you wish to
travel by S-Bahn, speak
to the station manager
before the arrival of the
train; he or she will
install the ramp you need
to board the train.
d Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe
around the clock
Berlin's Regional
Office for Health and
Social Security runs a
citizen's advice bureau
with a telephone help-
line. d Albrecht-Archilles-
Str. 62 Map B5
(030) 90 12 61 14
Information for young
disabled people
(030) 26 54 24 03
Service for the disabled
and senior citizens
(030) 859 40 10
Wheelchair Hire
The Regional Office
(see above) also rents
out wheelchairs for a fee.
Order one in advance by
d (030) 204 38 47
Cars Services
and Guided Tours
Disabled visitors wishing
to explore Berlin and
Brandenburg province
on their own by car, or to
share a car with driver
with other disabled visi-
tors, can contact several
specialist travel agents.
d BBV Tours Behinderten-
fahrdienst, Bizetstr. 51-55
(030) 92 70 36 30
d Micky Tours, Sewanstr. 2
(030) 515 33 36
d Berlin Erkundungen
Gangart Berlin, Calandrelli-
str. 19 (030) 32 70 37 83
d Reisebegleitung E.
Schielzeth, Parchimer Allee
55c (030) 601 01 07
The internet website gives
information on wheel-
chair access to restaur-
ants, hotels and shops in
Berlin. This association
also offers interactive
guided tours of the city,
covering the areas that
are most popular with
Berlin's charitable associ-
ation for the blind and
sight-impaired advises on
facilities that are available
for blind visitors.
d Allgemeiner Blinden-
und Sehbehindertenverein,
Auerbacherstr. 7
(030) 89 58 80
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